
Today is Jett’s Piano Lesson Summer Recital 2019. The children did so well in playing their pieces. I was in awe and very proud to watch each of them did so well. It has been and will always be an honour to teach them and inspire them to be the best pianist they can be. During the past few months, I’ve seen the children’s dedication and perseverance. I’ve seen how much work and effort they put to perfect their pieces to put on a good show for their families. I am very delighted with all the love the children received from all the guests who watched. 

In addition, I would like to say that I am so proud to all my students. It is not easy to perform but you guys did it!!! All of you should give yourself a pat on the back and should be happy that you did it. You even made the emcee got teary eyed with your performance. 

Last but not the least, I want to thank all the parents and families who supported the children and entrusting their musical journey to me. I will keep striving to be a better teacher for them and to my future students. Also, I am very grateful to everyone who helped organize the summer recital of 2019 I will never be able to do it without all of you. Thank you so much.

Have a great summer!!

Summer Recital 2019